The Economist, 8/6/16, “Good Afternoon, Vietnam.” This article in the Finance section of the edition was talking about how Vietnam has benefited from the Asian economic growth through many good decisions of the government, as well as being on China’s southern border.
One of the those decisions is education. They spend more than most countries in their situation and, “15 years-olds beat those in America and Britain in maths and science.”
The Dems, under pressure have strengthened their plank for the election to push charter schools out of competing with public schools, Black Lives Matter, the NAACP and the teacher union power is evident. Interestingly two organizations opposed the move, “Other groups have pushed back. Both the Democrats for Education Reform and the Black Alliance for Educational Options challenged the NAACP moratorium, and the latter’s president, Jacqueline Cooper, called the resolution “ill-conceived and based on lies and distortions about the work of charter schools.”” This from the article noted below.
AEI just came out with a study of Charter Schools concerning whether they cherry pick kids, they don’t, HRC was booed at a teachers organization by talking about giving charter schools an opportunity.
It is so obvious that we as a country refuse to address the issue of the downward trend of our public education results. Competition is the key. Choice is the key. Try something new. Shake off the control of the special interests that refuse to admit the problem to protect their jobs and benefits.
We are screwing our next generation, wake up America.