WSJ, July 27, 2016, on the editorial page.
There are lots of theories about why anyone would walk into a church and slit the throat of an 87 year old catholic priest, and what to do about it.
The Catholic church where the murder took place donated the land for the establishment of the mosque where the attackers came from. (The very mosque that nurtured this murderous group of terrorists was built on a plot of land donated as a gesture of good will by the little parish of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray! Yes, the conciliar Catholics of that little parish donated the land for the mosque that their attackers attended. (source). We should reach out to all people in love and not strike out in retaliation blindly.
My view is we are not fighting people, we are fighting an idea. We are not confronting the idea, we are afraid to offend 2 billion Muslims.
Well, the world doesn’t seem to have a problem of offending 13 million Jews, half of which live in the U.S. The Muslims don’t have a problem criticizing the 2 billion Christians in the world, driving them out of various Muslim majority geographies around the world.
Can you say, as we should, all of us are made by the same creator, and the ultimate goal is for all people to live in harmony and love. Does it matter what each of us calls the creator, or how we worship? Would those Muslims that live in peace with others really object to pronouncing that those who kill to force others to believe the way they do should be denounced and prevented from killing? Well the literature seems to say they won’t be offended.
So, do we with force prevent people from killing us, with regret yes. But more important is we start talking about why it is wrong for people to accept the line that killing for Allah is a good thing.
Our laws allow us to put those in jail who advocate the violent overthrow of our government.
Does imposing Sharia in the U.S. and installing a mullah as the dude in charge qualify? Seems so to me.