HRC has decided to rail against the recent SCOTUS case noted above as detrimental to our republic. She rails against billionaires, corporations, etc. overpowering the everyday folks.
Trump has done somewhat the same, singling out hedge fund folks for increased taxes.
As an aside, so where, as of now, are hedge fund folks putting their money into this election? AEI recently published an article, noted below, that states HRC has received 2,000 times more money from the hedge fund folks than Trump, $46.5 million. Trump has followed in the footsteps of Bernie by obtaining more small donations than HRC.
What I don’t understand is the total disregard for the facts that money doesn’t win elections, whether from the left or the right. There is tons of data out there on this, look at Tom Steyer in the last cycle, tens of millions of dollars spent and no winners. So if a corporation wants to spend money, let them, lots of well paying jobs result. You would think Hillary would like that. All that money spent on campaigns without decent results. That sounds like our public education dilemma.
This is a diversion by HRC so we don’t talk about the fact that most of her policies have long records of not working to solve our problems, or it is a red herring. (A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue.
But, politics is about appealing to to basest of our instincts rather than to our highest instincts. Both candidates today are doing so. Both are flawed.
A constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United: Really? How?
This is a peculiar claim to make after almost eight years of the Obama presidency, in which the most significant government actions—the Dodd-Frank Act, ObamaCare, and various tax increases on corporations and wealthy individuals—could hardly be said to favor corporations or business interests generally. It is also peculiar in light of a recent Wall Street Journal report that hedge fund contributions to Clinton superpacs have outraised those to Trump superpacs by a ratio of more than 2000-to-1 ($46.5 million to $19,000).