Tell us who donated to your non-profit so we can attack them

The Daily Signal reported the below today. 8 Democrat Senators wrote letters to non profits who put forth opinions opposing the consensus about climate change, demanding to know where they get their money from.

Well, the Supreme Court has ruled that non profits do not have to disclose their funding sources.

Will that also be in the first ninety days of a HRC administration, that if we oppose some government effort to spend our money, we will be a target for expressing our opinions?  This is a slippery slope.


Senate Liberals, Targeting Climate Change ‘Deniers,’ Demand to Know Donors to 22 Think Tanks

School Choice, Charter Schools, et al

I favor “..promoting choice among public schools, much as the Presidents’s Charter schools Initiative encourages.”  “The President believes, as do I, that charter schools are a way of bringing Teachers and parents and communities together.”

Hillary Clinton in 1996 and 1998.

She spoke similar words to the NEA recently and was booed so she “evolved” to saying that “for profit” charter schools were bad. in 2005 Brooklyn started a charter school using union employees to prove it too could free itself from its’ own rules, it failed. The education planks of the Democrat party have been panned by Peter Cunning, an assistant secretary in Obama’s education department, saying, the platform “affirms an education system that denies its shortcomings and is unwilling to address them.” He called it “a step backwards that will hurt low-income blacks and Hispanic children.”

It appears she has evolved, pandering to the organizations that do not want to address the results our K-12 system is not producing. Does Trump have a better plan, I have no clue. But we know what HRC wants, more of the same. Shameful.

This information came from an editorial in the WSJ, August 2, 2016.


Economic Growth, the base solution to most problems

When the economy doesn’t grow enough, we can’t absorb new entrants to the workforce, it doesn’t provide a demand on labor greater than supply, we don’t create new small businesses who see customer needs more accurately than larger companies;… all of us are in trouble.

We tend to fight over the pie rather than growing it. Minimum wages that restrict new job holders from finding work, driving automation to eliminate employees (automated hamburger machines are coming, you can already order your food via Kiosk and go pick it up). Unions who demand more jobs than the company can afford and be competitive. Public associations that make firing someone overly difficult, thus reducing hiring and providing less than stellar service from the incompetents who stay.

The solution; reducing enough regulations and processes so that the U.S. returns to the top five of places that are the best to do business in, we have been sliding down that list for over a decade. Look to where public employees and the government have sat down to work out reasonable rules and pay that makes government efficient and a desirable place to work; and implement those solutions (see WSJ July 24, 2016, “Critics of Wisconsin’s Public-Unino Reforms Keep Firing Blanks.” CJ Szafir and Collin Roth). Ensure regulations have a cost benefit analysis completed before execution, Congress should cut off funding if the regulation doesn’t comply.

Both sides of the issues have valid points, stop yelling and calling each other names as though the other is the incarnation of the devil. Compromise, good grief, it is like 3 year old kids fighting over toys.


What American Citizenship Makes Possible

WSJ, July 27, 2016, Colin Powell.

The title of Secretary Powell’s article above drew me to read. He talks about his parent coming to America from Jamaica, and said that if they had gone to England he never could have become what he did, too much rigidity in the society. He praises immigration as part of the fuel that fires the American way of life. He praises education availability and quality as another fuel element.

I agree. We must continue to accept immigrants. We must accept those with skills. We must stop illegal immigration. We must encourage assimilation, not Balkanization as the French and Belgians have.

Our education industry has failed the country. Our educational performance continues to slide against our global competitors. We are short changing our kids.

Our polarization and name calling is a disservice to our forefathers and mothers, and especially to those who come after us. We must try new things and evaluate how they work.

Democrats used to like natural gas energy. Not anymore.

WSJ 7/28/16, Karen Alderman Harbert.

The title says it all. HRC quotes, “I’m going to pledge to stop fossil fuels.” “I do not think there will be many places in America where fracking will continue to take place.”

The platform positions of the recent convention should be a warning, energy costs are going up. No alternative to fossil fuels, except nuclear and hydro, come in competitively.

I guess we need to go collect Bison paddies to burn in our wood stoves, and think of all the jobs we will create taking care of horses and cleaning up after them.

Can we not get real, please! The Germans are dealing with energy costs 40% higher due to no nuclear, and the high cost of solar, wind, burning animal gas, etc.  Let’s transition towards lower emission energy so not to throw people out of jobs and honor honestly deployed capital based on the rules of the day.

Or let’s dam up every river we can.